
github p5moExamples ?v=85

How is data synchronized in real time in the examples?

Data, such as shared photos, vote counts, and drawing points, is synchronized through Firebase, which serves as a backend/server and has built-in sockets.

The functions that include Firebase setup are in p5moLibrary.

p5js versions of examples

github.io versions of examples

github.io of p5mirror-jht9629-nyu

Add your example


Copied into to sketches.

> Add Upload File
> select all files in examples/* folder
> edit index.html to remove ?v=xx



- [x] Consider sharing build.sh to version this code

- [x] lobby delete room function
  - defer: use firebase console

- [x] collab draw example

- [x] Add basic vote sample


// https://editor.p5js.org/jht9629-nyu/sketches/7Wjlo3pPU
// mo-pixel-grid jht9629 fireb_firebase.js

// https://editor.p5js.org/jht9629-nyu/sketches/twgS6eWRZ
// pixel-grid


alias crud=./p5mirrorLib/bin/crud.sh

crud list

crud export_new --folder "examples" --all

crud export_update --folder "examples/videoKit" --sketch u_Blv5bOK --verbose

crud delete --all --remote

crud watermark --all --remote